Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Zazzle Product Views vs Google Analytics

So yesterday I had several product hits and expected to see traffic on Google Analytics. Nope. Zero. I can only assume Google Analytics does not track views from the Marketplace. If that's true, the good news is that I'm getting people to look at my designs when they pop up in the marketplace. The bad news is that they don't like what they see:)

I am approach ing 1,000 products for sale in my Zazzle store. Granted, I need to go through the galleries and cull some things. I'm sure I have adult shirts with cartoon worms that probably won't sell very well and are just cluttering up my store. Still, I'm getting there. The number on CP is probably higher due to the fact all available shirt styles show up in the store. I only have a small sample of shirt styles available on Zazzle, but as Zazzle allows the customer to pick out whichever style they want, I really only need a couple samples to catch eyeballs.

For some reason I really feel momentum building. Why would that be? I haven't sold a thing and I have no idea whether people will actually shell out their money for my products. I guess product views bring hope, but I'm sure that feeling will fade in a few days unless the views start to convert now and then.

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